Open Enrollment Promotions for 2022 Plans
212,000 Wisconsonites enrolled in coverage!
Covering Wisconsin had a successful promotions campaign! During the 2021 Open Enrollment for 2022 plans, 212,000 Wisconsonites enrolled in coverage from the highest amount since 2018.
Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Public Education Program:
Our statewide TV and radio campaign ran for 10 weeks with generous support from:
TV Campaign:
Total reach: Over 1,004,282*
Total impressions: Over 7,580,000*
*Source: Nielsen NLTV / July 2017 / M-Su Total Day / Persons 18+ / 884 spots per month across 36 broadcast TV stations in Wisconsin.
TV stations: 36 stations
Radio Stations:
Total reach: Over 2,501,200*
Total impressions: Over 11,834,400*
*Source: Nielsen NRD Fall 2017 / M-Su Total Day / Persons 18+ / 5462 spots per month across 199 radio stations in Wisconsin
Radio stations: 162 stations
Social Media:
Facebook total reach: 537,755
Total Facebook Clicks: 3,585
Total Twitter Impressions: 93,254
Response from WBA campaign to the call to action:
All media channels (TV, radio, and social media) sent people to 211 or to find help or learn more. We don’t have data for people who may have navigated to directly.
Wiscovered data from November 1- December 31st:
Sessions: 7,006
Pageviews: 8,323
How users navigated to Wiscovered:
Top Links: 874 clicks 765 clicks 331 clicks
CWI eligibility tool, 235 clicks
Billboard Advertising:
Northwest, and Western Wisconsin:
19 billboards placed in 9 counties in Northwest, and Western Wisconsin.
16 junior billboards were placed in Milwaukee for 2 months. Projected impressions: 13,760,000
Newspaper & Magazine:
Published ads in 6 rural publications covering 8 counties in the North Woods region during 8 weeks.
Metro Advertising:
Purchased 10 bus placards in Madison metro region during 8 weeks.