Support Our Work
Contributions to CWI makes it possible for Wisconsin consumers to learn about available coverage options and to get enrollment help from knowledgeable and well-connected assisters around our state.
Together, our contributors advance health and well-being of Wisconsin residents through these shared goals:
Promote and maintain Medicaid and Marketplace enrollment for Wisconsin residents.
Reach and assist all who experience barriers with health coverage access.
Improve continuity and effective use of health coverage in Wisconsin.

The Business Case: Why Invest?
Health insurance outreach and enrollment yields substantial benefits to Wisconsin residents, to health care providers and payers, and to the state economy. Covering Wisconsin’s assistance with enrollment in and retention of Medicaid and the Marketplace coverage:
reduces uncompensated health care
promotes access to needed health care
encourages care at the right time, in the right setting
supports use of preventive services
allows for appropriate management of chronic conditions
supports consumers with inappropriate or unauthorized enrollments and scams
reduces household financial stress
Many understand the important ways that Medicaid benefits its members, while leveraging substantial federal funding. Enrollment in Marketplace also brings substantial federal funds into Wisconsin. About 90% of consumers in the Marketplace are eligible to receive federal financial help paying their health insurance premiums. For 2024, this means the federal government provides estimated payments to Wisconsin exceeding $133,000 monthly, accruing to over $1.5 billion annually, in ACA Marketplace premium subsidy support.
To benefit, consumers must be aware of enrollment options and take steps to enroll. Collaborative outreach and public education - with consistent messaging - raise awareness and move consumers to connect with, local Income Maintenance (IM) agencies, other assisters, and insurance agents and brokers.
The return on this investment is clear: adding 1,000 additional enrolled consumers to subsidized ACA Marketplace coverage yields an estimated $6.8 million in annual federal subsidy support to our state – a greater than 10:1 return on the dollar invested. Savings to providers from reductions in uncompensated care will further multiply this return on investment.
Your contribution helps ensure that we sustain this important work.
Click the button to learn how your organization can support bringing more individuals into coverage and toward better health.

How to Submit Your Contribution
Wisconsin DHS will double your contribution by leveraging federal matching funds for outreach and enrollment. In order to do so, you may direct your contribution to DHS, which will in turn pass on the contribution to Covering Wisconsin. To leverage federal match, donations need to be submitted by September 30th, 2024 to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for the purposes of Outreach and Enrollment efforts.
Please address donations as follows:
ATTN: Bureau of Fiscal Accountability and Management: Rm 472
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
1 W. Wilson St.
Madison, WI 53703
If you prefer to instead contribute directly to Covering Wisconsin, you may do so as follows:
Go to
In the top right corner, click on the “give now” button
In Find Your Cause, enter “Covering Wisconsin” or campaign number "112380028"